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Empowering Test Labs
allows QA professionals to increase their own productivity with additional test ports and features, the latest network interfaces, and remote scripting while saving them the tedium of cabling. This solution allows you to automate the scaling process and simplify the test environment, which ensures that the required level of quality is maintained, and high availability of equipment, and also provides a significant reduction in costs in this area. This solution is most often used to verify the created test procedures and productivity control, to track the results of an implementation of innovations and the quality of demos for EBC, and to bring a particular product to market.
CGS Test Labs Use Cases
Increase the number of ports for testing
Smart Matrix enhances Test Labs by collecting traffic from low speed ports and forwarding it to 40G, 100G, 400G ports.
Smart Matrix by CGS adds test ports used by traffic sources. In addition, Smart Matrix allows you to automatically remotely perform testing at multiple points at once.
Key Benefits of CGS Test Labs